Check Status Bar for Call Names!
New Legend’s Get Off My Cloud of Lore
Ch. Legend's Once In A Blue Moon
Ch. Legend's Shining Star
Ch. Legend's Magical Moment
Ch. Legend's First Edition
Ch. Legend's Winter Knight
Ch. Legend's Faraway Moon Shadow
Ch. Legend's Imagine King of Jazz
Ch. Legend's Hotter Than Hades
Ch. Legend's Wishing On A Star
Ch. Legend's Knight of Verona
Ch. Legend's Top Billing
Ch. Legend's Feature Attraction | "Jackson" Ch.
Legend's Faraway Moon Shadow
07/26/00 - Breeder: Erayna Beckman Owned
by: Toni Tucker "Jackson"
is filled with energy and bounce. He excelled in the show ring, but far prefers
to run in the fields of Connecticut. He is sensitive, a loving soul and a beloved
member of our family.

Pedigree Ch.
Paray's I Told You So | Multi-BIS Am/Cdn Ch Sterlings
Rumor Has It | Ch. Dibett's Pal Joey | Ch.
Mon Ame Chloe D | Ch. Prancing Full Of
Cuddles | Ch. Prancing Sir Barklie Blue | Prancing
Holly De Pasquale | Ch. Legend's Flame
Fatale | Multi-BIS Am. Can. Ch Yoannewyn's Hella
Va Scorcher | Am. Can. Ch. Dove-Cote's White Tornado | Am.
Can. Ch. Vassaly's Yoannewyn Amelia | Ch.
Legend's Winter Holiday | Ch. Baccarat's Ice | Ch.
Cricket's Trinket Of Eranya |