Check Status Bar for Call Names!
New Legend’s Get Off My Cloud of Lore
Ch. Legend's Once In A Blue Moon
Ch. Legend's Shining Star
Ch. Legend's Magical Moment
Ch. Legend's First Edition
Ch. Legend's Winter Knight
Ch. Legend's Faraway Moon Shadow
Ch. Legend's Imagine King of Jazz
Ch. Legend's Hotter Than Hades
Ch. Legend's Wishing On A Star
Ch. Legend's Knight of Verona
Ch. Legend's Top Billing
Ch. Legend's Feature Attraction | "Hayden"
Ch. Legend's Hotter Than Hades Breeder: Erayna Beckman Owned
by: Kimberly Lalli "Hayden"
placed Best Puppy at the BFCNC Specialty in both Sweepstakes and Conformation.
He has charmed us all.

Pedigree Ch.
Yoannewyn's Hela Va Scorcher | Ch. Dove-Cote's
White Tornado | Ch. Dove-Cote's Mr. Magoo | Ch.
Dove-Cote's Poisen Ivy | Am. Can. Ch. Vassaly's
Yoannewyn Amelia | Am. Can. BIS Ch. Wendar Fly the Flag of Pamplona | Am.
Can. BIS Ch. Vassaly's Snow White | Ch.
Legend's Winter Holiday | Am. Can. Ch. Baccarat's
Ice | Ch. Sea Star's Beau Brummel | Ch.
Primo's Baccarat | Am. Can. BISS Ch. Cricket's
Trinket of Erayna ROMX | Ch. Kay's Excalibur Lancelot | Salutaire's
La Blanc Cricket |