I started in the Bichon Frise
breed as a pet owner. I found my first Bichon in a pet store more than twenty
years ago. At that time, there was little information available on the reasons
not to buy from a pet store. I was unknowledgeable and uneducated about the role
that puppy mills played in supplying pet stores.
I was raising two young,
extremely allergic children at that time. Although the doctor had warned me against
having a dog in the household due to the house concerns, the children and I longed
for a puppy. Because the saleslady assured me that this breed would be fine in
our situation, we took the cute and cuddly puppy home. Indeed, the children did
well with him in the house.
The new puppy, Jacques, did not
aggravate their allergies.
As this cute, cuddly puppy grew up, Jacques turned out to be a poor
representation of the breed. His body was too long, his legs were too short, and
he had a horrible coat not to mention several health problems.We nevertheless
adored him and his great temperament.
As the years went by, we added additional
Bichons to our household. The temperament alone had sold us on this breed; they
were ideal family pets. We used to pack up the kids, the dogs and the trailer,
and travel to Canada and throughout the States with ease.
The Bichons are
fabulous travelers. Actually, it was a lot easier dealing with the dogs, than
with the kids, what, with their constant yelling, Hes on my side of
the seat and Hes not sharing.
After the boys grew
up and left the nest, I began to pursue my passion for the breed. I purchased
a lovely female from a local breeder. Unbeknownst to me, Cricket would
become my foundation bitch and the kennel Legends would be born. Cricket
produced three future Champion show dogs with her first litter. It was from this
very same litter that I decided I keep one of the show quality females, Trinket.
Since Trinket was the first dog I ever showed, I was very naive about
showing and the dog world in general. So much so, that most of the time, I didnt
fully appreciate her wins. When she showed at the Westminster Kennel Club and
took a Best of Opposite Sex, I had no clue that this was a real feather in our
cap, for both Trinket and me. Trinket went on to become
an American/Canadian champion.
Many dog shows and champions later; I have
become quite seasoned in the dog arena. I truly enjoy showing. I gain a great
deal of satisfaction from placing puppies with loving and responsible owners and
the friendships that have evolved. We become an extended family with a common
love of the breed.
Cricket and Trinket have produced
numerous Champions and have largely furthered my line to what it is today. They
both have earned the Register of Merit award granted by the Bichon Frise Club
of America. (This award is given to females that have produced five or more champion
offspring.) I continue to study the breed standard as presented by the American
Kennel Club, as well as other related subject matter, in my attempts to better
the Bichon Frise breed. From the first breeding with Cricket I have
produced numerous champions, as well as quality companions. I am proud of what
my line has produced and what my offspring have contributed to the betterment
of the breed.
I have been honored to be an AKC Breeder of Merit and breeder of certified Therapy Dogs. Jackie Ransom in her book "The Bichon Frise Today"
mentioned me and Legend as being a breeder who is making substantial contributions
to the future of the breed.
Hope you enjoy your visit with my Bichons. 
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