Check Status Bar for Call Names!
GCh. Legend’s Cross My Heart of Lore
New Ch. Legend's Well, I Declare!
Ch. Legend's Irish Cream
Ch. Legend's Something To Talk About
Ch. Legend's In A Nutshell
Ch. Legend's Angel Of The Morning
Ch. Legend's Charlie's Angel
Ch. Legend's Treasured Moments
Legend's You've Got The Floor
Ch. Legend's Quintessential
Ch. Legend's Million Dollar Baby
Ch. Legend's Anticipation
CH. Legend's Diamonds Are Forever
Ch. Legend's Playing For Keeps
Ch. Legend's Indian Summer
Ch. Legend's Dazzling Marquise
Ch. Legend's Sterling Example
Ch. Legend's Chemindefer
Ch. Legend's Summer Delight
Ch. Legend's Mystical Medallion
Ch. Legend's Cassino Royale
"Quinn" Ch.
Legend's Quintessential
Erayna Beckman Quin-tes-sence
(kwin tes' ens)n. 1. The pure and concentrated essence of a substance. 2. The
most perfect embodiment of something. This best describes Quinn. Quinn's championship
earned her sire a Register of Merit Sires, and her dam a Register of Merit Excellent

Pedigree BIS/BISS
Ch. Paray's I Told You So |
Multi-BIS Am. Can.Ch
Sterling Rumor Has It |
Ch. Dibett's Pal Joey | Ch.
Mon Ame Chloe D | Ch. Prancing Full Of
Cuddles | Ch. Prancing Sir Barklie Blue | Prancing
Holly De Pasquale | BISS Am. Can. Ch Cricket's
Trinket of Erayna ROMX | Ch. Kay's Excalibur Lancelot
| Excalibur's Pucca | Kay's Sweetness
of Boz | Salutaire's La Blanc Cricket | Ch.
Moderna's Bugof | Petit Four Salutaire
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