Erayna Beckman
Sacremento, California.

Puppy Inquiry Questionnaire

The use of this form will make it easier with my record keeping of Puppy Inquiries. If I should have puppies available there will be follow-ups with phone calls and visits. Puppies placed in Aproved homes only!
Please Note: We will not ship a puppy, arrangements would have to be made to to pick up the pup.

Do NOT forget to include your E-mail address
or else I can not contact you!

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.


Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code
Home Phone

The Boxes below are expanadable, so you're welcome to be "talkative"

Tell me about yourself. How many members in your Family and ages of children.

How long would the puppy be at home alone during a normal day ? # of Hours
Have the children been around puppies/dogs?  If so, have they been taught to respect dogs? Please explain:

Have you been owned by a Bichon before, or any other breed?...If so....For how long and what has happened to them? And why do you want a Bichon? Any other pets currently in your household?

Have you given a great deal of thought about acquiring a Bichon? Are you familiar with the breed? .....You realize that Bichons are a house dog that are high maintence in coat care? Your Preference : male or female. Show? or Pet ? or both? Other Comments/questions